General Information
This is the home page of the classical Japanese swordsmanship school Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, Belgian Branch headed by Wout Verschueren, 7th dan Renshi Eishin Ryu, direct student of Tanaka Sensei, 9th Dan Hanshi ZNIR and Patrick Fehr 8th Dan Kyoshi ZNIR and 8th Dan Eishin Ryu.
We are affiliated to the Europa Shibu, part of Shikoku Chiku Renmei, one of the mayor subdivisions of the ZNIR (Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei) that is the overall iaido organization in Japan.
More information can be found by clicking one of the menu items.
Melsbroek Iaido attaches great importance to your privacy and the protection of your personal data.
In this privacy statement we want to provide clear and transparent information about how we handle personal data. We make every effort to guarantee your privacy and therefore handle personal data with care. In all cases, Melsbroek Iaido complies with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (also known as GDPR).
This implies that we at least:
- process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which it was provided, these purposes and type of personal data are described in this Privacy Statement
- processing your personal data is limited to only those data that are necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
- ask for your express consent if we need it for the processing of your personal data;
- have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data;
- not transfer personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for the purposes for which they were provided;
- to be aware of your rights as an involved person with regard to your personal data, to make you aware of this and to respect it.
As Melsbroek Iaido we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. If, after reading our privacy statement, or in a more general sense, you have questions about this or wish to contact us, please contact us using the following contact details:
Melsbroek Iaido
Seat: Machelsesteenweg 23, 1820 Melsbroek
Why do we process personal data?
Your personal data are processed by Melsbroek Iaido for the following purposes and legal grounds:
- to participate in the activities of Melsbroek Iaido (execution agreement)
- Sending newsletters and invitations. (legitimate interest)
- Obtaining subsidy by the government (legal obligation)
Which data do we process?
We may store, collect, and process the following personal data for your purposes for the following purposes:
- Identification information: name, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail
- National Insurance number
- Current degree
Who processes the data?
The data is processed by following external organizations
- Board members of the association
- Sporta organization for members administration
Provision to third parties.
We may provide the data that you give to us to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of the above described purposes.
For example, we use a third party (processor) for:
- taking care of the internet environment (web hosting)
- providing IT infrastructure (including IT network, ...)
- the provision (and distribution) of newsletters and invitations
We never pass on personal data to processors (other parties) than those with whom we have concluded a processing agreement.
With these parties (processors), we of course make the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your personal data.
Furthermore, we will not pass on the provided data to third parties unless this is legally required and / or permitted, such as eg in the context of a police or judicial investigation.
We can also share personal data with third parties if you give us permission for this. This permission can be withdrawn at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing for its cancellation.
We do not provide personal data to parties located outside the EU.
We only process personal data of persons younger than 18 years if written permission has been given by the parent or legal representative.
Storage period
Melsbroek Iaido does not store personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or required by law. Melsbroek Iaido undertakes not to keep the data for longer than 5 years.
Security of the data
The following appropriate technical and organizational measures have been taken to protect personal data against unlawful processing:
- All persons who are able to access your data on behalf of Melsbroek Iaido are obliged to maintain their confidentiality
- We use a username and password policy on all our systems
- We pseudonymise and ensure the encryption of personal data if there is reason to do so
- We make back-ups of the personal data in order to be able to recover these in case of physical or technical incidents
- We regularly test and evaluate our measure
- Our employees have been informed about the importance of the protection of personal data
Your rights regarding your data
You have the right to access, copy, adapt or delete the personal data that we have received. Via the above address you can contact us for this.
You can also lodge an objection to the processing of your personal data (or a part thereof) by us or by one of our processors.
You also have the right to have the information provided by us transferred to yourself or in your assignment directly to another party. We can ask you to identify you before we can respond to the aforementioned requests.
If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact us directly.
You always have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (GBA):
Printing press street 35
1000 Brussels
https: //
Change of privacy statement
Melsbroek Iaido can change the privacy statement at any time. The last change happened on 1 March 2018
The full name of the sword style practiced is Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. For better understanding, we need a small introduction into the history of Japanese swordsmanship.
In old feudal Japan (14th to 16th century) existed already a great number of different sword schools, each competing one another. A certain Hayashazaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu, who lived at the end of the 16th century, was the first one to formalize a number of techniques and called his system Batto-jitsu. He is considered as the father of all modern Iai-do schools.
Successive grandmasters changed and putted the system further to perfection. The 7th grandmaster Hasegawa Chinaranosuke Eishin, added a remarkable improvement: the cutting edge of the sword was turned upward so unsheathing became more practical.
The name of the school changed later from Batto-jitsu into Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, in memory of the 7th grandmaster and to honor his improvements. The meaning of the name is: the by the Gods inspired and direct transmitted style of Eishin.
Eishin Ryu is a style that traces back, in a continuously uninterrupted lineage, to Hayashazaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu.
A lot of people practice Eishin Ryu; even outside Japan, but most of them never had contact with the Soke or with one of his direct students. This resulted in a lot of differences for the same style.
Iai-Do is the ancient Japanese art of drawing the sword and cutting in a single movement. It was created for the physical and mental discipline of the Samurai warrior.
This technique allowed them to head surprise attacks.
Later on when times became more peaceful, the rough image of the Iai-do was softened and complemented with spiritual and meditation aspects.
Iai-do is one of the most genuine and oldest martial arts of Japan. Its direct relationship with the samurai class makes it unique in the world of martial arts.
The goal of the practice is to attain perfection on physical, technical and spiritual level. As perfection is the aim, the way towards will be a long and difficult one.
Most of the time, Iai-do students practice well-defined exercises on their own (kata’).
The specific character of this martial art makes it accessible for all ages and gender, although certain maturity is needed to start serious practicing.
The secret of Iai-do is a calm and strong mind. It is said that the sword is like the mind, and if the sword is straight the mind must be alike.